Why we do it ?


We build facilities which offer daycare and accommodation to people with mental disabilities in and around the Brussels region. Some of these centres are in the Wallonia region.

Between 2006 to 2013 Constellations opened three houses. 


Because the waiting lists were still too long, Constellations decided to optimize the possibilities for the creation of new  facilities through projects developed by other associations. Since 2014, Constellations has been providing their steering committees with experience and financial support, enabling a rapid implementation of these projects. In order to receive Constellations’ support, the projects must have received prior approval from a subsidizing authority and have to be in line with the Constellations charter. Our charter describes the fundamental rights that every person with a disability must be able to enjoy.

 Once the projects have been carried out and the construction is finished, the operational costs of the residential houses are provided for by the regional authorities (Brussels or Wallonia). This guarantees long term sustainability, and a stable future for the residents.