13th house : La Forestière

Constellations in collaboration with La Forestière association / Fundraising 2021-2022

This day center welcomes 64 people. The current buildings were acquired by the Asbl as its activities developed and the center capacity increased.


They were, at the time of their construction, not built to accommodate disabled people or people with reduced mobility. Moreover, the energy efficiency of these buildings is very poor.


The Asbl has received the agreement in principle of the Cocof https://phare.irisnet.be/ for its project

 which should allow the construction of a new space. The total budget was estimated at €4.500.000.


We have received a very large amount from an important foundation. A significant help from Cap 48 is already acquired and we have already found all of our 300 000€ contribution.


The preliminary project file has  been approved by the administration of Cocof and by the Minister-President,
Cocof's administration, and the application for planning permission, amended at the request of the commune of Ixelles, was re-submitted several weeks ago. The consultation meeting held at the commune in  was very positive. 


The building permit has been granted. We are in the process of finalising the tender specifications and updating the construction budget. The tender offer should be submitted to the authorities by the end of January.


The total cost of the project had risen to €5,530,000 due to the increase in construction costs. We hope that the new update will not reveal any new surprises. We had already increased our support from €300,0000 to €400,000

3D modelisation of the future building
3D modelisation of the future building

Location and contact

La Forestière Asbl

Centre d’activités de jour pour personnes adultes en situation de déficience intellectuelle

rue de l'Eté 89

1050 Bruxelles

Email : laforestiere@forestiere.be

Telephone : +322/649.25.45

Website : www.forestiere.be

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