14th house : ATIPI

Constellations in association with ATIPI asbl

Our latest project will be a day centre for 20 mentally handicapped young adults.



 ATIPI wants to contribute to improving the situation by creating an inclusive day centre.


We found a place, in the heart of the Coin du Balai district in Watermael-Boitsfort, that was perfect for hosting an inclusive day centre. This is the chapel of Our Lady Queen of Heaven, currently deconsecrated, located in Watermael-Boitsfort, Heiligenborre 16, on the edge of the Sonian Forest.

ATIPI is a center for activities and meetings.  There are five letters that define the day centre and its many possibilities: AT for ATeliers, I for Inclusive and PI for Pilot.


The originality of the ATIPI project is to seek the inclusion of a group of people with mental disabilities in a district of 2,000 inhabitants, the Coin du Balai in Watermael-Boitsfort, through common and useful activities, part of the life of this district and in harmony with the environment: this is a first and we believe in it!


Contacts and exchanges with the inhabitants will be frequent and will promote the development and appreciation of the people, disabled or not, who attend the day centre. ATIPI will listen to the neighbourhood.

Various joint activities between people with disabilities, residents of the neighbourhood, the Sapinière school and members of other associations will be organised, for example:


·       Preparation and distribution of organic soups and organic food baskets

  • Sharing a meal or drink
  • Vegetable garden maintenance
  • Board games
  • Relaxation sessions
  • And others

The project launch meeting with Constellations had taken place at the end of March.


 Excellent news. We've just obtained planning permission very quickly. 


  The tender documents will be completed by the end of January and submitted to Cocom for approval. The public procurement procedure can then be launched in February and March. The public contract will be awarded before the summer, and work is scheduled to start in the 2nd half of 2025.


The search for funding continues. We are expecting several results by April 2025.


And if all goes well, we hope to open at the end of 2026.

Location and contact


Heiligenborre 16,  1170 Watermael-Boitsfort

Email: marcjeandeschepper@hotmail.com

Téléphone: 0476768712

Website : https://www.atipi.net
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/atelier.inclusif.pilote/

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